Saturday, June 30, 2012

Something Was Funny...Or Musical

The Resonant Life
 I'm pretty sure that one of us was singing in this picture. A picture truly is worth a thousand words.

I was once in the New Bedford Whaler's Museum (Massachusetts) and I distinctly remember the paintings in their gallery...mostly beautiful oil paintings. One painting, in particular, stood out; it was of a man sitting with his mouth open. It looked very odd. Not pretty, though it was expertly painted. I was told that people would be painted with their mouths open if they were the 'village idiot' or a little slow.

Now, my Mom was singing in the picture. Me? Well...

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Satis Fack Shun

Narrowleaf 6:00 a.m.
Mick and Keif can't get no satisfaction. Me? I can....through gardening. Perhaps my agricultural days are happily haunting me. Perhaps all those years of walking past, and sometimes through, my father's gardens in Brighton Court are being revisited.

Whatever the case, I'm immensely satisfied when I look out my windows and/or stroll around my property. It's makes me happy.

If it makes you happy, it can't be that bad.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Chipweena ODs

Furry hummingbird?
Well, the hummingbird feeder worked better than expected. Not only did it attract hummingbirds, but also chipmunks! Chipweena took a shining to the sugar water and she's now in a veterinary hospital in a diabetic coma. How was I to know that Chipweena was diabetic??

I'm going to let Chipweena 'dry out' before I reload the feeder. I need to figure out a way to keep Chipweena on the wagon (away from the feeder). I may have to remount the feeder. At this point, I have to ask myself....WWJJAD?

What Would John James Audubon Do?

Friday, June 22, 2012

Royal Ascot

Princess Wendy (left) and the Queen Mother-in-law
Just a reminder that Royal Ascot takes place on Saturday, June 23 in England. Prepare to don your most outrageous hat and mingle with lords, ladies, dames and sirs, as well as with royalty and those of the bored leisure class.

Me? I'd be wearing a Green Bay Packers cheesehead if I rested my saddle at Ascot. Truth be told I'm not a big fan of horses, though they can be enjoyed properly when marinated and grilled.

Hi ho Silver, the Hibachi.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Sassy Scottish Lassy

Me Mootha
We've seen the dark side of Alzheimer's and we're likely to see more. We've also seen the bright side. In our case, it has not been all doom and gloom...far from it.

My Mom has a lively sense of humour and she can deliver one-liners like no other. She can deliver them in both official languages, somehow, though she's never studied French.

On top of this she also speaks old Scottish. De ya ken that?

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Walk A Milliner In My Hat

'Cute' doesn't even begin to describe me.
To be a leisurologist/son/husband/father, you have to wear a lot of hats. To be a goofball, you only need to wear two. Here I am wearing two of my Mom's many hats, as she looks on. I think I look like a cross between Steven Tyler and Queen Liz la deuxieme. Though, maybe I just look like me.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Dodging Bullets On The Croquet Pitch

Well, I managed to win a croquet battle against Randy, Jenn, Sue, Sean and Rachel on the weekend. I narrowly won the match as Randy had a chance to gun me down at the end but the bullet went astray. Whew.

Kudos to Sean for setting up a challenging course.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Lake Diva The Second?

Rachel Mallon...extreme athlete/opera singer/voice teacher.
I'm always happy to see friends try new things. Yesterday our friend Rachel tried stand-up paddleboarding. She didn't fall once (secretly I was disappointed because I wanted an 'action' shot). She's got great balance!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Dueling Divas

Wendy and Rachel duke it out.
I hate it when girls fight. Kidding...I love it!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Bitch In Garden

I went for a windsurf today. As always, I had to windsurf in front of my neighbours property. Let's call it DisGraceland, for obvious reasons. As I was sailing in front of DisGraceland, I saw Priscilla gardening. She was probably planting hemlock, though I can't be sure. In any event, she stopped planting, stood up, gave me the finger, and then went back to her gardening. Her dog, Lisa Marie (the second), was yip-yappin' the entire time. I really hate the bitch.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Hum bug!
Friends of ours gave us a hummingbird feeder and it works like a charm. Wendy boiled up some sugar water for the hummingbirds and it appears to be a hit . They're attracted to it like Nielsens to tequila, or Vartys to the cookie tin.

Opportunities to photograph the hummers are fleeting, but if you're patient then the opportunity arises...for about two seconds.

Monday, June 11, 2012

A dancing Varty!
An impromptu dancing party breaks out at Paul and Linda's Narrowleaf birthday party. Leading the way is 'Dancing Dorothy'. Todd and Erik are on the drums with Wendy and Julian on back-up. Max is just waiting for the right moment to bust his dance moves.

To watch a video of the dance party, click this link:

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Pop Ease. Paw Pease. Pop Peas.

In Freeman's Fields
 I think the poppy may be my favourite flower, though the dandelion is a close second. Sadly I only seem able to grow one successfully in my garden...or in my lawn, that is.

Friday, June 8, 2012

A Riot Of Azaleas

A Riot of Azaleas
Our friend Freeman has plated a few azaleas and rhododendrons on his property. When I say 'a few' I mean about four hundred. Quite extraordinary.

It's a riot of colour. Take that, Montreal!

Monday, June 4, 2012

The landscaping is starting to look good.
It seems like I've been going 'wild' lately with regard to landscaping. I'm really enjoying the work, and the results. As with all landscaping, it's a work in progress. I suspect every year the property will become a little prettier than the year before.

It all feels good. Great, really. The benefits far outweigh the labour and expense. I see no signs that I'll be slowing down in the spending or the enjoying departments. I'm so profoundly affected by my environment that I'm addicted to improving it. I'm lucky enough to live in a place that I relish...if only it was a bit windier!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
I was Running Down A Dream with Wendy, Julian, Tom, Mike, Scott, Steve, Benmont and Ron on June 2. Yes...I attended a Tom Petty concert in Halifax as part of my on-going rockucation. The concert was great. These guys are pros, but what would you expect after being together for over 30 years?