Monday, August 6, 2012

"Shut That F___ing Dog Up"

I like live recordings, but sometimes I settle for taped.
My neighbours' dog is neurotic, but so are my neighbours, so they get along famously the mutt. Me? I don't think I'd enjoy having a flea bitten, dust mop, lion-maned, ankle humping yap trap that barks all day long.

Ahhhhh...peace and quiet in the country. So elusive.

My estimate is that Yappy-do next door barks approximately 1000 times per day, at least on the weekends when there's a lot of boat traffic on the lake. Yappy doesn't like SeaDoos so at least we have that in common, but I not a barker. I'm a writer. Woof, woof, meow, a-choo.

At 10:15 p.m. on Saturday Wendy and I were sitting on our deck enjoying the warmth of a summer night. Though it was dark and there were no longer boats on the lake, Yappy was still barking. This 'peaceful' scene was shattered when someone across the lake yelled "shut that fucking dog up". I have no idea who yelled that, but it was music to my ears.

I certainly don't want to punish my neighbours for having a yapping dog. Having the dog, or each other, is punishment enough. That said, it makes me wonder what kind of a 'personality' would 'enjoy' having incessant yapping in their lives. Perhaps for one of the dog's two owners, it's comparatively quiet given the alternative (and I'm not referring to the SeaDoos).

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