Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Holy Ship!

Crazy Dave
I had hoped for one last windsurf before heading to Toronto but the wind never really delivered. Gusts would blow by Saints Rest beach on the Bay of Fundy but the wind was inconsistent.

In this picture Crazy Dave Cuthbertson made the most of the wind and waves.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Guilty Of A Salt

The Mustard Drizzle Doesn't Make It More Tantalizing!
Take a scenic drive to the ocean. Park your car, then walk down to the water's edge. Jump in. Guzzle sea water until you throw up.

Take a drive on a winter highway in a freezing rain storm. Follow the plow. Stop your car, then get out. Walk to the middle of the road, then fall on your knees. crane your head forward. Now, start licking the road salt.

I can think of many ways to up your intake of sodium, but none more effective than ordering Pizza Hut's Hot Dog Stuffed Crust pizza. And for dessert....cross the parking lot to acquire Burger King's delicious new bacon sundae.

The Mayans may be right (tick, tick, tick), but I doubt they foresaw our demise in the form of a culinary apocalypse.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Oakey Dokey

Oak eh?
Two oak trees in my yard. Slow shutter speed, spinning camera....et voila!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Art Thou Trees...or Art Thou Art?

Aspens or Poplar?
Photographed a beautiful stand of yellow leafed trees yesterday. I found them between Robertson's Point and White's Cove (Grand Lake).

No Photoshop here, folks. This was a simple motion pan of the camera.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

The Power Of Proximity

I don't know...maybe wear a life jacket??
I was reading the news at CBC.ca when the headline 'Chinese Student, Mother Rescued From Hopewell Rocks' caught my eye. Apparently the university student and her mother got pinned by the tides and were unable to make it back to the stairs (and safety). Rescue teams were sent from four different fire departments and a Cormorant helicopter was dispatched. Thankfully they were rescued without harm.

In an 'unrelated' yet proximate headline, CBC was asking readers to 'Tweet Your Advice For New Citizens'. I can think of a few things...

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Lucky Wendy Nielsen (art collector)

So, Wendy was at the Opera Canada Ruby Awards last night to honour Michael McMahon, among others. They had a few prizes to be randomly won during the evening's events and Wendy ended up winning a large painting inspired by Strauss's Four Last Songs. Lucky girl!

The artist's name is Paula Arciniega and you can view her art at  www.paulaarciniega.com.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Potty Mouth Marketing 101

Well, it caught my attention.
Well, it caught my attention but the real question is....would I buy something from someone who called me out as a "lazy turd"?

If you read the fine print of this Kijiji ad you'll be enlightened as to the finer aspects of Potty Mouth Marketing 101.

Let's see how quickly the poop nation gets up to buy this guy's Loop Station. Chances are that 'this Charmin man' will sell his sh_t quickly.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Fall On The Ground

Fallen fall foliage.
Well, they don't last long but they sure are 'some pretty'.

Leaves. Glorious leaves!

Monday, October 8, 2012

More On Kijiji

How can there be a children's captain bed?

Think about it....have you ever known a child to be a captain? Sure, maybe captain of their PeeWee hockey team, but not a real captain (i.e. Police Captain, Sea Captain, Captain of Industry).

I've been shopping for a spare single bed for our spare room and I keep running across these captain's beds. They look perfect for my needs, but they all seem to fit very small captains. Child-sized captains, like Napoleon. What I need is an NBA Basketball captain's bed, perhaps something that Wilt Chamberlain might have slept on. On second thoughts, I wouldn't want Wilt's old bed.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Embarrassing Baguette Moments

Well hello there...
 Yesterday I bought a baguette at the Kingston market. It was a generous foot long with half of it nestled in a brown paper bag. The other half was protruding out into the open air.

As I was wandering around the market, outside, I became aware that holding the baguette by my side was rather phallic. I became very self conscious so I held it in front of myself. Though that took away the 'weenie profile', it really wasn't much better as it looked like I was fondling my private parts.

Ultimately I ended up walking around clutching the baguette to my chest so as to eliminate any 'below the belt' associations.

At one point I asked Julian to hold the baguette while I went to buy some salmon. Interestingly enough, he, too, quickly became uncomfortable holding the baguette. We shared a great chuckle over the entire ordeal.

I wonder if it would have been the same had it been a pumpernickel baguette. The rum cake lady would have loved us!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Next Stop, Halloween

Millstream Gourds
Well, it's October. The pumpkins are orange and so are the leaves on the trees (though not in this picture...damned evergreens!).

This image was hastily taken on the way to Sussex. It was raining so I took the picture from the car. Lazy ass cameraman.