Saturday, October 27, 2012

Guilty Of A Salt

The Mustard Drizzle Doesn't Make It More Tantalizing!
Take a scenic drive to the ocean. Park your car, then walk down to the water's edge. Jump in. Guzzle sea water until you throw up.

Take a drive on a winter highway in a freezing rain storm. Follow the plow. Stop your car, then get out. Walk to the middle of the road, then fall on your knees. crane your head forward. Now, start licking the road salt.

I can think of many ways to up your intake of sodium, but none more effective than ordering Pizza Hut's Hot Dog Stuffed Crust pizza. And for dessert....cross the parking lot to acquire Burger King's delicious new bacon sundae.

The Mayans may be right (tick, tick, tick), but I doubt they foresaw our demise in the form of a culinary apocalypse.

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