Sunday, December 22, 2013

Night-time Cambridge-Narrows (Bewitching)

It's a tradition in New Brunswick to decorate our houses with thousands of colourful, energy-sucking light bulbs at Christmas-time . It's our way of brightening up a dreary time of year. It also helps to keep NB Power out of bankruptcy.

Historically red and green were the colours of Christmas, but people these days seem to use every colour of the rainbow except orange. I, trying desperately to be different but refusing to get a tattoo, put up a fiery orange-lit wreath.

Why break with tradition, Ian?

The fact is that I had a string of orange light bulbs that were given to me as a Halloween gift, and I was too cheap to buy Christmas lights when I already had a string of lights (albeit orange lights).

Who gives Halloween gifts that aren't candy? Better yet, who puts up lights at Halloween?

Don't ask, though it may have been a failed NB Power initiative. The bottom line is that the orange wreath looks magnificent and casts a beautiful light on the yard at night. Our neighbour even commented on how nice it looked.

I thought your neighbour hated you?

This was our good neighbour that made the comment, not the broom pilot.

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