Thursday, December 6, 2012

Back In Cottage Country

Well, I survived almost five weeks in Toronto. The reality is that I enjoyed my time there. It gave me a few things that Cambridge-Narrows doesn't, most notably a social life. Of course one could argue that one make's one's own social life and that 'this one' doesn't make much of an effort in Cambridge-Narrows. Whatever.

So now I'm back in the Narrows...cottage country. As I look across the lake, leaves off the trees, I'm able to see Matt and Robin's new 'cottage'. It looks great and is a welcome addition to the neighbourhood. It's nice to see young families, full of life, moving into the area. They're in stark contrast to my deadbeat neighbours, the Beers. Sadly, while I was away in Toronto, the Beers came onto my property and 'rearranged' some of my 'landscaping'. They are a dark cloud.

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