Friday, December 7, 2012

I Ain't Givin' or Gettin' Nuttin' For Christmas...I Hope

aught, blankbottomcipherinsignificancy, love (think tennis)lowest point, nada, nadirnaught, nil, nix, nobody, nonentity, nought, nullity, oblivionought, rock bottom, scratchshutout, voidzilch, zip, zot.


That's what I want for Christmas this year. Quite frankly, I've got enough stuff and I should use/appreciate what I've got...and I've got plenty. Someone once said 'he who dies with the most toys wins'. What rubbish. I say 'he who plays with his toys the most wins'. My version is still ludicrous, but it's better than the material man's. In the end, it should be about balance: personal and planetary.

And you know what? You've got too much stuff too, so I'm not giving you anything. Be happy with what you've got because, like me, you've already got too much.

Note: this is not a 'bah humbug' take on Christmas, it's simply an exhibition of my disdain for excess. I think that we should eat, drink and be merry...isn't that enough?


  1. I think that we should eat, drink and be merry...isn't that enough?

    You don't drink ...
