Thursday, September 26, 2013

Sand, Sand, Sand...Everywhere

I wish I could remember the first time that I was introduced to making 'art' in the sand, but I can't. I suspect that it was probably in PEI or Bar Harbor and I suspect that my father might have been involved. Mom would have been too busy making sure her children didn't drown, or feeding us.

What I do know is that I can't go to a beach without attempting some sort of sculpture or art. I can't resist the feeling of sand in my hands. Wet, dry, hot, cold...I love it all!

Today's image was just a random design that I created on Plage du Havre Aubert in les Iles de la Madeleine. The wind and tides would have wiped my art off the beach in no time at all, thus providing a clean canvas for the next crop of budding artists.

The allure of timeless art that will hang for eons (i.e. Picassos, Van Goghs, Monets) is equaled or bettered by art with no time.

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