Sunday, September 29, 2013

Tunnel Vision

Not owning a cell phone, and not one to watch television, I often refer to myself as a caveman. Others are less generous. They call me a troglodyte. Or a Luddite They're entitled to their opinions, even if they're.....right!

Caves are appealing, and also terrifying. When I wiggle my way into the caves of Dune du Sud, I'm always aware that they could come crashing down on me. My demise could be quick and painless, or slow and suffering.

I can handle slow and suffering. I listen to Weekend Morning on CBC Radio with Stan Carew. Suffering isn't an issue for me anymore. Gawd, what an awful show. Stan's voice is starting to morph into Luke Randall's (Endeavours) in my head, making it that much more grating. Oddly enough I subject myself to this abuse willingly. It's the train wreck mentality. Every weekend I tune in to see if it's as bad as the weekend before. Usually it's worse, but that's only because my tolerance is weakening. At least I haven't heard that damned horse, Duke the pathetic pit pony, in a while.


In today's image you see me stand-up paddling through a sandstone tunnel at Cap Alright (Iles de la Madeleine). I get that cave-like sense of pending demise going through the tunnel, though it's less acute. I guess being able to 'see the light at the end of the tunnel' is comforting. If nothing else, it makes for a good photo.

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