Friday, September 27, 2013

The Search For Alabaster

Les Iles de la Madeleine are known for many things: wind, sand, Café de la Grave, windsurfing, seafood, art and Jean Gaudet.

Art who? Is he Jean Gaudet's brother?

Yeah, yeah...that's an old joke. There are some tremendously talented artists living in les Iles, some of whom using alabaster to create sculptures. I often wondered what unpolished alabaster looked like. This year I found a chunk.

The 'chunk' happened to be about the size of a mini-van. It had a gun-metal colour and was as hard as a rock. A hard rock.

Note: if someone Googles 'hard rock café', they might just end up on my blog. Stupid beautiful internet.

The alabaster chunk, au naturel, is a work of art. I'll post some textural images later so you can see the many sides of this magnificent poo-like blob. It stood alone. The cliff behind, predominantly sandstone, had eroded away and left the alabaster exposed. I'll be curious to see how it looks in a year's time. Wind and water work slowly but relentlessly, kind of like Ned Bowes.

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