Thursday, November 14, 2013

Living In Toronto - A Cinderella Story

I've been doing a lot of shopping for a sofa bed lately. Actually, is it 'shopping' if you never buy one? I feel like I've gone to the end of the Earth (Toronto) to find a sofa bed, with no luck. The only one I've liked was $4000.

Yes, $4000. My car is worth about $2000, so there's no way I'd test drive a $4000 sofa bed which would be primarily used by guests/family.

I can get a cheaper sofa bed for $2000 that is less comfortable for sleeping. In fact, guests might only stay a night or two because they'd be so physically miserable. Tempting! Well, depending upon the guest.

I wouldn't want my guests to be uncomfortable physically, so I've decided to buy a guest room bed that would make them mentally uncomfortable. That's right....I'm going to buy the Cinderella bed with pigeon net (it might also keep the bed bugs out).

Speaking of bed bugs, it seems to be an issue in Toronto. I've never seen one, except in my nightmares. My mom (nee Mootha) used to say to me 'sleep tight, and don't let the bed bugs bite'. In hindsight, what a terrible thing to say to a kid. Basically she was saying 'I love you, sleep well, though you may be attacked by vicious, blood sucking insects in the night'. Of course I never was attacked by insects in bed. To get my fill of bugs, my dad would take me to his place of work and show me his impressive collection of sedated, no-longer-dangerous budworm. Then he'd gas me with formaldehyde and I can't remember much more of the visit. It likely stopped the whining. I can't blame him.

To further stop the whining, I end this Cinderella story here.

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