Friday, November 29, 2013

Tower Of Terror

In the dying days of the 20th century, Wendy and I took Julian to Disney World in Orlando. One of the highlights for me was the Tower Of Terror ride. An elevator took us up to the 13th floor, then the bottom fell out. Geronimo! Whee!!

In today's picture you're looking at the tallest condominium in Canada (as seen from our new condo). It's currently under construction, but it's not under anything else. It towers over everything, except the tower of CN. At 78 storeys high, it can be seen from Jemseg, I think. It's called Aura.

So why title your blog 'Tower Of Terror', Ian?

A two bedroom condo on the 75th floor sells for a million dollars. Need a parking spot? That'll be another $60 000! Imagine paying $60 000 for a parking spot. Now that terrifies me!

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