Sunday, July 29, 2012

Chert Cousteau-eaus

Quelqu'un peut-il voir le Calypso?
Like Jacques and Philippe Cousteau before us, Julian and I boarded our exploration vessel and headed out to sea in search of underwater riches.

Well, maybe not riches. No dubloons or triploons. We were searching for rocks, but not just any rocks. Chert. Once again I was looking for chert, the rock used for tool and weapon making by the indigenous people of this area.

This time around I brought my young associate, Philippe. Errrr, I mean Julian. Note: I may be suffering from Cousteauism. C'est possible. Julian and I decided to have an underwater look at what might be the area where the chert was known to exist. We found lots of jasper underwater but we're still not certain that we've found chert.

At this point I've decided to contact the expert in chert, a UNB professor named David Black. Perhaps he can shed some light on our quest. Cousteau, of course, would have trudged ahead on his own (it made for better tv). Moi, je vais faire le chemin facile.

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