Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Summer 2012

Hot and cold...the summer of 2012
I think this picture sums up the summer of 2012....Julian keeping an eye (or two) on his grandmother, and sharing 'sweeties' with her. Treats, in this case a chocolate milkshake, almost always make Mom happy. She also smiles at any sign of chocolate, music, small children, fat people or money. I'm like my mother, though the chocolate must be white.

This picture was taken at the Dari-Delite in Lincoln. I asked for a half-sized milkshake for Mom because I didn't think that she could drink a whole one. The staff , when making Julian's large milkshake, made a bit extra and they gave that to Mom for no charge. You don't often get service like that anywhere so it's worth mentioning...and remembering. Impressive, and thoughtful!

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