Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Bay Daze 1

For a person who lives in a province of 72 908 square kilometres, 80% of which is forest (ack), today's item of interest seems quite laughable.

The Hudson's Bay Company is selling a block of wood for $324.50. Amazing, really. Even more amazing, the original retail price was $649.

Can you imagine paying $649 for a stick of wood? Can you imagine paying $324.50 for a small piece of stumpage? I wonder how may 'city folk' did??

If the Hudson's Bay Company sold even one of these then I commend them for doing what I consider the impossible. It's akin to selling ice to Eskimos. Mind you, they've been doing that for sometime too!

I think selling a piece of old timber for hundreds of dollars speaks to the fact that people who live in the city have no idea about nature. I doubt there's anyone living in New Brunswick who would have paid that kind of money for one of these. You can get a cord of wood for $180!

Now, let's consider a scenario where Hudson's Bay is selling these things hand over fist. This makes me think about two very valuable places: Fortress Lousiburg in Cape Breton, and Paul's barn in Harvey. Both are made from sizable and similar timbers. Based on my estimates, Fortress Louisburg would be worth about $120 million and Paul's barn about $800 000.

Wait....what's that noise? I think I hear Paul starting his chainsaw!

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