Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Commenting On Commenting

I've developed the bad habit of reading the comments that people post on cbc.ca. What I have learned, more than anything, is that the vast majority of people who comment on news stories are either red necks, people who can't construct logical arguments, or rednecks who can't construct logical arguments.

There is also a sub-group who I would describe as mindless assholes.
It's clear that there are a lot of petty people who are unnecessarily negative, often bordering on cruel.

Occasionally someone writes something learned or eloquent, but like the olive in the martini, their words are drowning in a sea of toxins.

Comments are posted by individuals using their on-line user names which, I should add, are almost always pseudonyms. Accompanying the user pseudonym is a thumbnail image which, rest assured, is almost never an actual picture of the person. So, under the cloak of an on-line pseudonym and a bogus thumbnail picture, these anonymous 'blahvants' spew their brains out.

And I read this stuff.

Makes me wonder where I settle in on the sociological food chain. I know I'm not on the bottom. I know I'm not on the top,

Yesterday I happened to notice that one person's thumbnail image was text. It practically jumped off the screen. I've recreated it above as my image of the day. Though not likely the work of a future Nobel laureate, it was nevertheless playful and eye catching.

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