Thursday, October 31, 2013

Coffee On Sale: Save $800 (Bay Daze 2)

When I make a cup of coffee it costs me nothing for the water, about 50 cents for the ground coffee, and perhaps 10 cents for the paper filter.

I make my coffee in a plastic pour-over contraption that cost about $25. The pour-over style of coffee-making has proven to be very popular with the coffee aficionados who have joined in java worship in our house.

You can imagine my shock and horror recently when I saw the Bay Days ad for a coffee-maker that was $800 off! This begged the question, what was the original sticker price is they could advertise it for $800 off?


Yup, sixteen hundred smackeroos. One thousand six hundred. Fourscore times one score more. $1600.

Who, in their right mind would pay $1600 for a coffee-maker? Who in their right mind would pay $800 for a coffee maker. Sure, it can make espresso and perhaps froth a bit of milk, but $1600????

I do know one person who paid, I believe, two thousand dollars for a coffee machine. He has a penchant for the good life. His piano (justifiably) cost $90 000 and he drives an Acura that was reputedly hand made in Tuscany. Could have got a Japanese Honda for much less! There are also rumours that suggest he may be related to the uber rich Desmarais clan of Quebec, so perhaps money is not a problem.

I wonder if these coffee machines will just 'fly out the window' now that they're on sale. Or will shoppers fling themselves out the window when they realize their folly. Doubtless neither.

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