Sunday, October 20, 2013

Maquapit Memories

For over fifty years Paul and Linda have owned this cottage on Maquapit Lake. By the end of next summer that ownership will be passed along to someone else.All good things must come to an end.

We all have memories from Maquapit Lake, mostly good. I can remember Erik tanning on the beach, brown as a strip of cooked bacon...except the underside of his arms which were still snow white.

In contrast to snow white was Paul's barbequed hamburgers. They were often as black as the charcoal they were cooked over, the two being almost indistinguishable. Cooked to death.....and beyond. Julian, the vegetarian, must have been shaking his head in disbelief.

I remember the first time I ventured to the cottage. I sailed past in my Laser looking for the darned place hiding just behind the shore trees. I'm not sure that I spotted on my first attempt, but clearly I made it there eventually. Things worked out well.

There was a lot of swimming at Maquapit in the early days. That seemed to be an outdoor highlight. Thankfully no one ever drowned, though Justus tried repeatedly. Thank goodness that 'god' is a lifeguard!

Well, I'd better sign off before I say something stupid. Perhaps it's too late. What are your memories of the cottage?

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