Saturday, January 19, 2013

Baked Beans....I Said BEANS!

A funny thing happened on the way to the opera...

I had planned to meet Wendy at the opera company at 6:15 p.m., after which we'd go home and have supper together. Earlier in the day Wendy had expressed an interest in eating home-made baked beans as a supper side dish.

Of course it's a ludicrous thought to consider making them myself, at least here in Toronto so I decided to try to buy some. There's no way that I'd purchase beans in a can...I was looking for the real deal.

I  tried a few stores but to no avail. I tried the entire St.Lawrence Market, again...zilch. I finally gave up but as I approached the opera company building I spotted a Sobey's. I'm not a fan of Sobey's stores. I don't like the lighting or the outfits....or the food, come to think of it. Anyway, I went to the deli counter and asked the woman if I could buy baked beans. She looked perplexed.

I then looked perplexed. After all, why would she be perplexed?

Eventually she said 'no', though it was obvious that English wasn't her second language, perhaps not even her third. As I was leaving she was pointing toward the check out and saying 'beans, beans'. I looked at the checkout and couldn't fathom how beans could be there. All I could see were packs of chewing gum, tabloids about raising royal babies and some green bins. And then the light went on.

Bins (beeeeeeeeeans). Yes, she had found some green beeeeeeeans for me. Sadly, I was looking for baked bins. I chuckled the entire way down the street.

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