Monday, January 14, 2013

Fifty Questions

I saw this ad in a bus shelter and unlike most ads, this one actually did two things:

1) asked a question worth asking
2) made me stop and think (instead of scoffing).

Would you want to know at 30 that you'll need this (a wheelchair) at 50?

The question was in relation to genetic screening or profiling. For example, would you like to know at age 30 that you're going to develop something like Parkinson's or MS?

The question is being asked by the Globe & Mail newspaper who is doing a series on genetic screening. I've decided that I don't want to know, in advance, that I might develop something in the future.

I can imagine knowing that a lousy fate awaited you would be very much like falling from the sky without a parachute, not knowing when you'd splat. I'd rather walk blindly/happily through life...which I'm currently doing.

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