Sunday, January 27, 2013

It's A Very, Very....(short) Man's World

According to the sign on this business, it's a short man's world. Further to the point, it's been a short man's world since 1928. Prior to 1928, it was either a tall man's world or a dwarf's world...not sure which.

I concur with it being a short man's world. Take pant shopping for example. For every 100 pairs of pants I see, only one has legs long enough for me...the tall man. Even if the legs are too long for the short man, he can hem them.

What am I supposed to do? Embroider another inch or three around the cuff? No. It's a short man's world and I simply have to accept the fact that I was born with a disability: tallness. That's the long and short of it.

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