Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Church Of The Poisoned Mind?

They say you can't have your cake and eat it too. I agree. It applies to churches just as well.

I often talk disparagingly about the church and their inability to evolve. It hardly matters what faith or denomination...they all seem to be living in the past. An eye for an eye seems so passé. Making women cover their faces seems so old fashioned, and stupid. Don't get me started about the lobster in the casserole (Deuteronomy 14:1).

I'd love to see the church enter the 17th century, or the 18th, 19th, 20th or even the 21st.

Wait! What's this? Rock Eucharist?? Modern music??? Mumford and sons????

Sadly, even when the church tries to bring something modern to the flock, I still see it as a dubious, even subversive, practice. It's kind of like serving shrimp at communion. Sure, they'll eat it up but, strictly speaking, it shouldn't be on the menu (Varty 30:1).

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