Wednesday, January 9, 2013

T.O. Skate, Or Not T.O. Skate?

I brought my skates to Toronto, thinking that maybe, just maybe I might venture down to City Hall to experience a brief few minutes of the Canadian experience. Yup, outdoor ice-skating. The ultimate Canadiana thrill (only because ice fishing isn't available).

So far I've only managed to walk past the rink, skateless. It looks good, quite honestly, so I have no excuse not to go skating....except.....


Or the lack of it. Friday's forecast is for +10 and rain. Saturday...+11. I might as well inflate my water wings.

When old man winter returns to Toronto City Hall, which might coincide with old man Ford returning to City Hall, I'll go skating. And I'll lift Wendy above my head and twirl round and round. People will cheer and throw teddy bears at us, and I'll cry when the judges give us a perfect score for our routine.

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