Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Cheeses Gripes

My son will disown me for what I am about to write. I wouldn't blame him.

This past weekend Wendy and I ambled in to the local cheese shop (mistake #1). Lovely shop. Gorgeous cheese selection. Friendly staff. Interesting array of CSP (cheese support products).

Curiously, none of the cheeses on display had any mention of price (alarm bell #1). We were given samples (mistake #2....once you've had a taste, you're compelled to buy).

Wendy ordered a piece of cheese (pictured). As you can see from the picture, it was a small piece. Mimollette was it's name. It even sounds expensive. I decided that I'd order another cheese that was more to my liking. The Blue Haze sounded appealing...a smoked blue cheese. I asked for a small piece, which I got.

We approached the cashier (mistake #3). In total we had two minuscule pieces of cheese and a $5.95 bag of lime nacho chips. The total (insert drum roll here....and the sound of machine guns)....$33. The piece in the picture was $13. Cheeses! Had I been wearing sneakers I surely would have run out of the store screaming. Instead I trudged out in my heavy winter boots. Defeated.

It was, perhaps, the least Scottish moment of my life. I'm ashamed of myself. How could I? Would I have bought that cheese had the price been on it before I decided? Not a chance in helter-skelter.

Have I learned anything? Yes. I will never buy a piece of cheese again that does not have a price on it. Still, that wouldn't be enough for Julian. So go ahead, laddie boy, disown me. I'll still be buying cheese, just not like that. Velveeta, anyone?

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