Monday, February 25, 2013

Alternate Route Yields Bronze Galoot

Wendy and I walk from our condo to her office every morning. We follow Maitland Street westbound crossing Jarvis and Church streets. We then jaywalk across Yonge and continue West until we face hurricane force winds at Bay street.

The nature of the Bay street corridor and its buildings creates what's known as the Venturi Effect. In essence, wind is funneled between buildings at high speed, often making life unpleasant. Bay street usually feels five degrees colder than the rest of our walk.

We find reprieve in Queen's Park as we wander though acres of grass, trees and humongous piles of dog shit. It's quite lovely.

The other day we took an alternate route, a slightly more northerly trajectory. It was refreshing. We discovered an entirely new portion of UofT that was unknown to us. Speaking of unknown, we traipsed past a statue of a ponderous Northrop Frye sitting on a park bench. Lovely sculpture. Seeing Northy sitting on the bench brought home the reality that we know nothing of Mr.Frye. Nothing.

I still know nothing about him but I intend to do some research. What is it about him that warranted a sculpture? I knew he was some sort of a writer, but why was he bronze-worthy? To quote that other Candian literary great, Jian Ghomeshi, 'to be continued'....

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