Saturday, February 2, 2013


Unless you're Italian, 'mammone' won't mean much to you. It's one simple little Italian word that means 'mama's boy'. Most Italian boys are mammones, and age doesn't seem to be much of a factor.

To make my point, here's our history with the word 'mammone'. A few years ago, Wendy performed in an opera in Philadelphia. She had a colleague who was from Italy. He was the one who kept talking about Pamela Anderson, except in his very limited English he called her Pam-Aye-Lah An-Dewr-Sohn. He also liked to talk about Keyed Rawk, go figure.

That point is irrelevant, really. What was truly interesting was the fact that he was a world class bass, he drove a Ferrari, and yet he lived with his mama. For whatever reason, we started calling Julian 'mammone'. For whatever reason, he didn't seem to mind.

You can imagine our surprise, while walking along Wellesley Street in Toronto, to find a company called Mammone. Mammone Disposal Systems. I'm unclear whether Julian would hire them to dispose of his mother, or whether his mother would hire them to dispose of the mammone.

It really doesn't matter....I just hope he gets a Ferrari.

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