Monday, February 11, 2013

Losers, Winners and Wieners

There's little doubt that I've found some great clothes at ridiculous prices at Winners in Toronto. The sleeves are long enough, the prices are Scots-worthy, and the fashion more than acceptable. I've been to all the Winners south of Bloor (SOB) in Toronto. I believe there are seven stores SOB, or something like that.

In Fredericton there is one Winners, but the selection there has been somewhat lacking. I often felt like a loser at the Freddy Beach Winners. To be frank, I felt like a wiener when my shopping forays were unsuccessful, so I started to call Winners 'wieners'.

Initially I referred to the Toronto stores as Wieners too, but my successful track record made me question whether or not I was being fair to Winners.

The point became moot last week as I wandered along Bloor Street West and spotted the Home Hardware store in my picture. To be clear, there is a Winners and there is a Wieners, and I shan't mix the two up in the future.

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