Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Go Ahead...Pimp My Ride

You just know this car didn't come from the Mercedes factory in Germany wearing that coat! Germans don't make luxury cars that look like this. They only make items that are black, grey, white and/or polished steel. You never saw any orange Messerschmitts, did you? Case closed, almost.

This is surely the car of a very successful and clever pimp, or an Italian, or David Geffen. You might say that the owner of this four wheeled tulip had a bright idea for a car. He succeeded. I could see this car from a quarter of a mile away. It's the only thing I've seen in Toronto that's been brighter than my new sneakers. It screams 'look at me', which I did. As soon as I snapped my picture someone else stepped up and took a picture.

I'd say the owner got what he wanted, assuming it was a he. Hmmm....I wonder if Paris Hilton was in town??

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