Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Allure Of Loblaws

You might think that I shop at Loblaw's for the free milk, but it's really for the music. This morning I was grabbing a few items and I couldn't help but notice the music blaring over the store-wide sound system. Are you ready for it?

Opera! Yes, opera before 10:00 a.m. I thought to myself 'Wendy would like this'.

The next song to follow the operatic aria was an odd choice. I might have expected another operatic selection or, at the very least, something classical....but no.

It was the song 'She Moves In Her Own Way' by the Kooks. A song by a band that I enjoy. Weird...opera then alt rock. It's worth mentioning that I was in Winners just before I went to Loblaw's and they were playing 'Born This Way' by Lady Gaga.

I suppose music makes us happy and keeps us shopping, but seriously...opera then alt rock. Hmmmm? What can we read into this?

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