Wednesday, May 22, 2013

A Baker's Octet

All Superheroes have their weaknesses. Superman is powerless against Kryptonite. Ben Mulroney is powerless without hair gel and make-up (I'll bet he wears it to bed!). Steve Murphy becomes neutered when in front of a camera. Jayson Baxter becomes a depressive, down-a-pint dolt when he wears a sleeveless Argyle sweater. All CTVesque personalities have weaknesses beyond their inexplicably good viewer ratings.

Personally, I can't say no to baked goods.

Recently Wendy was doing some spring cleaning and  decided to tackle the storage drawer under the oven. Whoever conjured up the idea and/or design for under-stove storage should have their brain audited. It doesn't matter what you're attempting to do when you open the drawer, it always sounds like a five car pile-up.

Wendy discovered ample proof of my weakness to baked goods when she lined up her findings on a nearby table. Here's what she found: mini-muffin tray, muffin-top tray, muffin tray, pop-over tray, giant muffin tray, another giant muffin tray, mini-donut tray, and finally a mini cupcake tray.

And how do you plead, Mr. Varty?

Guilty, your Honour.

The court will now adjourn for a fifteen minute recess with treats supplied by The Happy Baker.


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