Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Tommy Emmanuel: The Musical (Wizard)

A friend of mine, let's refer to him as Gary Morris to protect his identity, contacted me the other day to see if I wanted to go to a concert with him. He had a spare ticket. Te concert was for a guy named Tommy Emmanuel.

The name Tommy Emmanuel was familiar to me, though I had never seen or heard him play before. I knew that he was regarded as a finger-style guitar giant.

He was that and more.

To put this in a religious context, I wouldn't dare to say that I just heard Jesus. No, that wouldn't be a wise thing to say. It's more like I just heard God himself. Jimi Hendrix might be Jesus. Or perhaps Johnny Marr. John, Paul, George, and to-a-lesser-extent Ringo, would be the four wise insectuous men. The devil would be Michael Bolton. No! It would be Aaron Neville!!

Note: I know very little about Christianity.

Of course these are ridiculous comparisons because Tommy Emmanuel is just a man, but he plays like a God. I was completely blown away by his talent, and thoroughly captivated by his performance and rapport with the audience. I'd give him a 1000 out of 10, it was that good. Here's a clip from YouTube of a Beatles medley filmed in another locale, but similar to one that he did last evening:


You must understand that there's nothing quite like a live performance, so keep that in mind. YouTube has its limitations.  If Tommy Emmanuel ever comes back to New Brunswick, I'll be there...and I'll buy you a ticket.

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