Monday, May 27, 2013

Looks Can Be Deceiving

Your first impression upon seeing this image might be 'did she sit on a cactus'? In fact, me Mootha is not unhappy in this picture. She does have a knack with facial gestures, it should be noted.

So what's happening here since it's been indicated that a stubbed toe, a littl'un head butt, or a dog bite did not elicit this reaction?

Me Mootha's vision is somewhat narrowly focused these days and sometimes when something approaches from an angle other directly in her line of vision, it gives her a surprise. But there's more...

When Hamish (the balding baby doll pictured with Mootha) accidentally slips out of her grasp, she tends to react with shock/horror as though she's dropped a real baby. The same reaction happens when Hamish is lifted into the air by someone (often a grandson) and dropped into Mootha's lap, as was the case in this picture. Sometimes she doesn't notice when Hamish lands with a thud on the floor. When she does notice....well, all I can say is.....

And the Oscar for best animated actress goes to........Dorothy Varty!

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