Friday, May 17, 2013

The Mighty Uke

To say that I'm on the cutting edge of anything is akin to saying that Mike Duffy spends the majority of his time in Prince Edward Island. It's laughable.

Occasionally I'm on the cusp of the cutting edge. As a leisurologist or a stay-at-home dad, I'm riding one of the earlier waves. As a ukulele enthusiast, I'm part of a tsunami of global interest, but I'm no Portuguese-Hawaiian first adopter. No one calls me Pedro Polamalu, player of oo-koo-lay-lay.

I'm not timid about being part of this huge musical epidemic. I walk forcefully through the tulips.

Recently, an opera singer-turned-ukulele-player sent Wendy a link to an upcoming uke movie. Here's a link to the trailer for the movie:

Even opera singers are adopting the ukulele. Now that says something! Maybe we, as Canadians, should buy Mike Duffy a ukulele. Or, at the very least, allow him to expense it on his Senate account, while he still has one. Spending six months a year in Prince Edward Island would allow him the luxury of time. learn the ukulele. Who knows, maybe he'll be spending 12 months a year there in the future? He could get a part-time job at Cows to help pay the bills. He could be milking the stupid tourists, people like me, instead of milking all Canadians.

Herein ends my mini tirade about CTV's Mike Duffy. Next stop...CTV's Senator Pamela Wallin. And you just know if this blog is still going thirty years from now, I'll be harping about CTV's Senator Benjamin Mulroney. It could happen.

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