Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Hood n' Houses

The Leroy House (2013)

The Aune House (2012)
 As I peer across the lake every morning, I see the three houses pictured. Two were built within the last year, and one was built almost two hundred years ago.

The most interesting fact about these houses is that they're all occupied by descendants of the 1816 Robinson family house and they all sit on Robinson family land.

There's something nice about continuity and family heritage. I'm not saying that I'm going to move to Blackhill, or become the Lord of Fyvie Castle, or put a bid in on Brighton Court. I'm very happy with my lot in life. At about an acre, it's just the right size.

I wonder if Julian will one day want our property or if Wendy and I should eventually sell it and buy a spaceship or something intergalactic. We could pull a Major Tom and blast off into the ether.

I was watching aVH-1 Legends biography of David Bowie last night.
The Robinson House (1816)
That should explain my proposed space odyssey.

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