Sunday, May 26, 2013

Wendy Tattie Bogle

I've chosen this picture because I wanted to reminisce about the old days when we used to see the sun. This picture was taken on May 19, seven days ago. I believe it was the last time that we saw sunlight, though there were a few fleeting rays this morning (now gone).

I'm not sure what Wendy was doing in this image, other than being a goof. She does look like a tattie bogle, in my estimation. Do you know what a tattie bogle is? Here's the definition that I snagged from Wikipedia:

tattie-bogle (whiles cried a tattie-boodie or craw-bogle) is a device, tradeetionally a human figure dressed in auld claes, or mannequin, that is uised tae discourage birds sic as craws frae disturbin craps.[1] No anerly dae craws eat the recently cast seed, but they gaither nichtly an aw, stairtin wi groups o a hauf dizzen that then jyn thegither tae form a group o 20 tae 30 an so on till the flock is raither lairge an noisy. It is thair prattick tae return tae the ae place ilka nicht.

Believe it or not, that's what I found on Wikipedia. I have nae doon onything to it.

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