Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Me Mootha And Me Brootha??

In this picture: me Mootha, and me _________?

Hmmm, what is the relationship between my mom and her doll. The doll's name, by the way, is Hamish. It's the most Scottish of Scottish names, followed closely by Angus, Donald and Mohammed.

I like to think that Hamish is mom's baby. That would make Hamish my brother, or me brootha, or eee-brootha. That would also make Hamish Julian's uncle.

Now, if the baby was Julian's, then I'd be a grandfather and mom would be a great grandmootha. It's all very convoluted. All I know is that Mootha loves Hamish and I'm pretty sure that she thinks Hamish is a real baby.

That said, every now and then Mootha shoots me a look that says 'are you trying to pull the wool over my eyes?'.

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