Wednesday, August 21, 2013

50 Up Ahead

The only things in life that are certain, they say, are death and taxes. To that list I add botched wind forecasts by Environment Canada.

I can't even add with any certainty that I'll turn 50 in three days. It's likely, but not certain. I don't care that I'm turning 50 because it's just a number that means very little.

I don't want to turn the clock back to 20 (infantile, alcohol induced behaviour, though the music was good back then), 30 (diapers, thousands of them!), or 40 (the beginning of that's my hair in the drain). I'm cool with 50: the hair is gone, the baby changes his own nappies, and I don't drink anything more toxic or mind-bending than guava juice.

All I want is a windy day. I don't care how old I am as long as I can lift the boom out of the water. I'd also like to have enough strength left at the end of the day to play the guitar. Hmmm...windsurfing and guitar.

Did you know that Robby Naish, perhaps the most famous windsurfer on the planet, was born in 1963?

Did you know that Johnny Marr, perhaps the most inventive guitarist still alive, was born in 1963?

Did you know that they're both still doing it? And so am I. I'm not doing it as well as they are, but I'm still doing it...that's what matters. Get out of bed....left foot, right foot. Repeat. Soap. Lather. Rinse. Spend some time with your wife. Play with the kid(s). Don't be afraid to be one. Keep the house clean. Do a good deed for someone. Don't trespass. That's all that matters. This is what I've learned in 50 years.

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