Friday, August 2, 2013

What's Up, Dock?

What's up, Dock? Well, the water in the lake, that's for sure. Twice now, since the renovations on our community wharf (I mean 'dock'...wink, wink...$$$) began, the waters of the mighty Washademoak have risen and flooded the wharf/dock.

I feel sorry for the company trying to renovate the wharf (let's face it, it's not a dock). There is a deadline to get the work done before permits expire, and this most recent flood has been inconvenient to say the least.

One wonders if the wharf  should be raised higher given the likelihood of similar floods in the future. Weather extremes are getting to be the norm, though perhaps they always were. Of course I blame our weather woes on Environment Canada. They are responsible for the weather. Here's an incomplete list of things for which I blame Environment Canada:

- the lack of wind
- floods
- global warming
- eTalk
- Aaron Neville
- auto-tune
- tornadoes
- Nutella
- religious fundamentalism
- blackflies
- acne
- culottes
- Cindy Day (I just hate her!)
- Lisa Marie II (see Cindy Day)
- east winds
- gingivitis.

Remember, this is just a partial list!

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