Monday, August 19, 2013

Taking Her To The Max

Yesterday Wendy and I took Mootha for a walk. We decided to scout Sunshine gardens in hope that Wendy's brother Erik might be at home. As luck would have it, Erik, Chantal and Max were at home. Even better, Max put on an acrobatic show for Mootha. Max displayed at least two dozen ways to get into his pool, most of which involved spectacular splashes.

As entertaining as it was to watch Max, it was equally entertaining to watch me Mootha. Mom would screw her face up when the big splashes hit, then ease off into a smile. I think she was greatly amused by Max's antics.

We enjoyed a cool beverage while watching the pool gymnastics. Max seems very comfortable in the water, which is nice to see. Every kid should be so lucky. Speaking of kids, did you spot Max in today's picture?

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