Saturday, August 3, 2013


Let's compare a Rickenbacker 12 string guitar with anything Picasso ever painted.

Picasso, the painter, was considered a pioneer in his field. Rickenbacker, the luthier...ditto.

A Picasso painting is either intriguing or beautiful, possibly both. A Rickenbacker...ditto.

A Picasso holds its value, or increases over time. Rickenbacker...ditto.

A Picasso will impress your friends. Rickenbacker....ditto.

A Picasso sounds like nothing. A Rickenbacker sounds like nothing else.

A Picasso will cost you a million dollars (for a shitty one). A Rickenbacker, like this one, will cost you $3300.

They both hang comfortably on the wall. So...why would anyone buy a Picasso?

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