Friday, August 23, 2013

Simple Pleasures: Sussex

Sussex is a delightfully odd little town smelling of both nostalgia and cow dung, mixed together indistinguishably. It's in some sort of time warp, though I'll be damned if I can put my finger on it exactly. It could be the 50s, 60, 70, 80s or 90s. It most certainly is not from this century.

I love Sussex, so don't get me wrong. It has something for everyone unless you want a good coffee after 3 p.m., in which case you're royally fuskered. Last evening Julian played the Rickenbacker 12-string along with Gary Morris and Crossroads. It was an outdoor street party with live music and a vintage car show. There were poodle women wearing poodle skirts who were dancing. At least, I think they were women. Butternut bellied men watched from the sidelines, nodding approvingly. Little kids spun and twirled. It seemed like every nut case within 49 miles was there last night, and I include myself in that discouraging demographic. It was a sight to behold. The video is but a small taste of what was seen and heard. As is often the case, you had to be there...

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