Thursday, August 22, 2013

Julian Rickenbacker Varty and Dana Morgan Nielsen

When Dana Morgan Nielsen arrives home from Japan for a summer visit, his parents roll out the red carpet for him. He drives the green Morgan right up it!

Most kids don't have the luxury of driving their father's sports car, because most father's don't have sports cars. I can't recall any father figures owning sports cars when I was a lad growing up in Skyline Acres. My Dad drove a wankling Mazda. The Allabys had a Chevy Chevette, I think. The Bentleys did not have Bentleys, they had a VW van without heat (yes, it was driven in the, I don't know).

I feel sorry for Julian Rickenbacker Varty. When he comes home he gets to drive a 2005 Ford Focus wagon: paint peeling, rust spots showing, with tacky windsurfing stickers adorning the back windows. I don't think he minds driving it, because it appeals to his Scottish sensibilities. Less money spent on cars means more money for neeps, tatties, cabers and Edinburgh Rock. As the Focus gets good gas mileage, this also means more money stays in the inheritance sporran. I think he appreciates that.

Well, I may not offer my son a sporty car to tool around in, but at least I've got a couple of kick-ass guitars that he can use. What's cooler....that the old man has a sports car or that the old man has two Rickenbackers? That's a tough call. I see the voting being split down the middle. What would be cool would be if the old man (me) could play the Rickenbackers like Johnny Marr. In my defense, I doubt Uncle D drives the Morgan like Michael Schumacher.

Though my Dad's car wasn't all that cool when I was 16, things did change for the better. So what did my father have that was cool when I was 21? How about a V-8 Mustang Cobra? It was pretty sweet.

Maybe I should buy a mid-life crisis sports car? Wait, I'm turning 50 in two days! This can't be my 'mid-life', unless I 'fortunately' become Gretchen, Alberta, Marjorie or Mildred as I age. Gawd help me if I do. Gawd help Julian if I do! And Wendy!! We all know my mid-life crisis mobile would be a Volkswagen Camper (with heat). I wonder how Julian Volkswagen Varty would feel about that? It would be a good rock n' roll mobile for him, and would double as the UWM (ultimate windsurfing mobile) for me. Maybe I should bite the bullet and get one...although maybe the bullet would be better utilized elsewhere??

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