Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Does Pollen Make My Thorax Look Big?

Isn't pollen great? It gives us strawberries, grapes, blackberries, flower seed for future blossoms, itchy eyes, runny noses and wheezing lungs that hate us. It also gives us Big Pharma with a cure for our airborne maladies.

Pfizer can pfind ways to make us pfeel better....pfor a pfee.

I don't feel like tackling Big Pharma this morning, that's beyond me. Instead I'm laying on the sofa, in my popcorn yellow sunroom, surrounded by buttery yellow flowers outside my windows. August is unofficially yellow flower month.

My gardens are overflowing with yellow blooms, from Rude Becky (Ya!) or Black-eyed Susan, to Lily, to Cory Opsis (he's Greek, I think), to Rose, to Mary Gold. They all seem to be named after people, predominantly women. Or are people named after flowers/foliage? We'd have to ask Herb Alpert, George Bush, Petula Clark, Iris Carrington or Nasturtium Nielsen-Varty.

My brain has been overcome by my morning coffee, I think. I'd best sign off and fulfill the fantasy that we are what we eat. Next stop: Raisin Bran (flakes).

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