Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Merry Something...And Don't Overlook The P.S.

Every year, Wendy, Julian and I create a Christmas card that is entertaining (we hope). We put a lot of thought into the card, and countless hours into the production and editing. There are years when the idea for the card comes easily, and there are years when it's agonizing. Believe it or not, sometimes it's even stressful, but isn't Christmas all about stress anyway?

Of course it is. Financial stress. Logical stress. Illogical stress. Marital stress. Multi-generational relationship stress. Gastro-intestinal stress. And then there's the stress of fearing for another apron, and/or lying to your children.

Christmas is wretched (wink, wink).

Despite all this stress, the highlight of my Christmas is probably the production of our annual Nielsen/Varty Christmas card or video. Most people send out exceedingly boring Christmas cards that say little more than 'yo, I'm still alive, and P.S. happy Ho Ho'. Some people send a page which highlights their past year. I like these notes because they're informative and efficient, plus I can never hear too much about little Matthew's diarrhea.

Every once in a blue moon a Christmas card arrives that's deliciously off the grid. Today's image is a card that Wendy received from one of her voice students. I've got to say that I absolutely love it. It's non-traditional in its imagery and its message. It's quirky, fun and more than anything else, irreverent.

I love irreverence. I wish there was more of it mixed into our drinks. Indeed, less eggnog, more rum and irreverence I say, wot wot.

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