Sunday, December 1, 2013

T.G.I.D....Thank Gawd It's December

It's a well known fact that I'm not a fan of Christmas, at least not the commercial Christmas. That might lead you to believe that I'm deeply religious and that I'd like to put 'Christ back in Christmas'. Not so. Remind me again, for whom was he shopping?

To: God
From: Jesus
Message: I hope you like these new slippers I bought you, Daddy.

So why T.G.I.D. then, Ian?

I'm simply elated that.......wait! What's that noise?? Listen. Keep listening....listen still....

Whirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

All across Toronto, and hopefully the rest of Canada, you can hear the whirring and buzzing sounds of electric razors removing the gawd-awful moustaches that men, and a few chicks, have subjected us to during the month of Movember. In the early hours of December 1, people are getting up and shaving off their dirt squirrels. I couldn't be happier.

I've spent the better part of mauve November seeing men who look more-or-less ridiculous, über dandy, or frighteningly reminiscent of the 1970s Pittsburgh Steelers.

Need I say more?

At this point I'd like to skip Christmas altogether and find this handsome man a dentist. Yikes! Great picture, though.

Back to Movember for a whisker of a moment, I'd like to commend all those who grew crumb catchers for this fundraiser. My good friend David K raised $5000. The men of the COC raised a few thousand as well. All in all, I'm sure millions were raised (sounds like we're campaigning successfully against male impotency, eh?).

Have you noticed that I've been avoiding the word 'prostate'? I'm always terrified that I'm going to accidentally say 'prostrate'. A lot of people make this mistake. Being perspicacious, my readers are unlikely to make this error again, if ever.

So, in closing, I say 'good-bye' to Movember, and 'hello' to December and Christmas. Christmas? Yes, Christmas! Christmas is that joyous season when we give gifts that are unnecessary and we receive gifts that are unwanted....

Oh, wow(!), you shouldn't have (emphasis on 'shouldn't'). I don't currently own a chartreuse apron. This will look awesome in my collection!!

Perhaps December isn't all that different from Movember after all? One way or the other, we're all fuskered!

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