Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Snowboarding 101: Don't Signal Right If You Hope To Go Straight

Video/photo analysis.

Coaches of professional athletes use it to analyze technique. Police use it to monitor the activities of miscreants (Leisurologists, Senators, Mayors, British pastelists, etc.). You can learn a lot by watching others on video/film. You can learn even more when you watch yourself.

Observation #1: when looking at my face, I see fear. I had hoped to see the look of a seasoned veteran snowboarder, highly focused, spotting his landing with laser-like precision. Instead I see the desperate gaze of the Captain of the Titanic, looking hopelessly for a lifeboat full of weaklings (i.e. jazz musicians) so he can hurl one overboard and save his own skin.

Observation #2: what's with the right arm up in the air? I look like a rule-following six year old who hopes to turn right on his shiny new one-speed bicycle. We all know that when you take your hand off the handlebars, disaster ensues.

The alternate caption for this image....all in favour of landing, please raise your right arm. There is a look of 'oath swearing' in this image too. Most of my snowboarding sessions involve swearing at some point, usually after a botched landing, though sometimes just for the pure pleasure of it (gosh darn it!). You, my readership of three, will be happy to know that I descended back to Earth safely. I took no right turns. I took no wrong turns. I didn't 'pull a Wendy' and go over the handlebars....and that's why today's blog is not nearly as interesting as yesterday's.

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