Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Ossum Ossington

I like to categorize my photographs as it makes them easier to angle down the road. I should mention that I have an ocean of over one hundred thousand images into which I regularly jig.

In the grand scheme of things I have three categories for my images: landscapes, portraits, and things you'll never see in Oromocto. The landscape images are broken down into three categories: countryscapes, cityscapes and goatscapes (cities or towns which unfairly receive the brunt of criticism and loathing...i.e. Toronto, Oromocto. Note: these images must also contain a non-portraitized goat in the image).

My portrait category contains people that are clearly the focus of the image, and ideally in focus. Today's image contains an image of a person, in focus, but not necessarily the focus. Clearly it's an image taken in the city (Toronto's Ossington bus/subway station), but I wouldn't categorize this as one of my cityscape images. It is, somewhat obviously, an image that belongs in my third category of 'things you'll never see in Oromocto'.

Oromocto is a town of cavalier military personnel driving Chevrolet Cavaliers (the unofficial car of Oromocto men). Cavalier (definition): a courtly gentleman, especially one acting as a lady's escort. In my image, the woman is walking alone, therefore it is incomprehensible that she might be in cavalier Oromocto. There would most certainly be a courtly or portly gentleman escorting her. Doubtless both, as men outnumber women in Oromocto by a ratio of 542:1.

And then there's the mural. Oromocto is a town more or less devoid of art, unless you consider the architecture of the Oromocto Mall as art. Oromocto has no murals of which I can remember. It has little or no sculpture (that isn't used as military target practice). I don't even think it has any graffiti! I wish someone would prove me wrong, but I think of Oromocto as a more-or-less artless town. Picasso once checked into the Oromocto Hotel for a week-long vacation but left after one day in a fury.

A Plymouth Fury, Ian??

Gawd no! He left in a Cavalier. Like, duh...

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