Saturday, November 30, 2013

Condocracy...We're Living In One!

 It finally happened. We moved into our new condo last evening, and I must say that it feels Tony the Tigerish.....grrrrrrrreat. Last night I actually had my best night's sleep since I arrived in T.O. on November 2. Perhaps it was the paint fumes, though I don't think so.

I'm very satisfied with the condo. Immensely so.

I've included three pictures to give you a sense for how the condo looks. I haven't photographed the den because I somehow misplaced my round tuit.

We're still awaiting the delivery of a chair, ottoman, some lighting, bedside table, dresser and sofa bed, otherwise we're furnished. There are a number of other decor tweaks to be be made, but essentially we've arrived. We need more art, but I'm going to create it myself. Pass me my beret, would
you, dear?

Our new condo feels better than our rental condo, though it was very nice as well, if you like beige. You can see that our place is a tad brighter. It's hard to capture the place on film because it's a small condo and my p&s camera is largely useless. I'll bring a Nikon back in the winter and get some better pics.

Well, I'd better sneak downstairs to the store and get Wendy her Saturday morning Globe&Mail. We have an excellent small grocery store on the main level of our building, as well as a coffee shop and a dry-cleaner. Yes, a dry-cleaner! Could life get any sweeter?

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