Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Beg, Borrow Or Steal...Not Applicable

Of course we would never actually steal something from the condo we're renting. That's not our style. We have had some fun playing a game called 'if-you-could-take-one-thing-from-this-condo'. It's a very difficult game because there is almost nothing that we would consider buying or accepting as a gift.

Make no mistakes, our rental condo has been excellent. It's comfortable, warm, spacious and it's got thirty-five percent of a million dollar view. I would happily recommend it to anyone, but I do have to warn you: the decor is limiting. In New York City, the apartments we rented were two thousand dollars a month dumps and the decor was abysmal. Our rental condo in Toronto is two thousand a month gem with a decor that is simply dated. Honestly, much of it looks like family hand-me-downs, likely from Grandma! The needlepoint on the wall is a dead giveaway, perhaps literally.

Every single thing in this condo is brown, beige, or earthy. Or some variation of it. Imagine the spectrum of tones involved with a steaming loaf...of bread. This place runs the gamut from white wonder bread, to toasted brown perfection, to one of Grampie Paul's barbecued burger buns. Black!

To counter this monochromatic interior we've painted our new condo in vibrant colours, We've traded whole grain breadiness for Skittles. Our new condo is lively and upbeat. It's not overly funky but it has funky elements. It's the kind of place where you could play a guitar with an over-sized red plectrum, and not be joking.

Soon we will move to our bright new condo, and our memories of all things beige will be toast.

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