Monday, November 4, 2013


  1. 1.
    (especially in former times) a brave or experienced soldier or fighter.

For a number of years the media has referred to some members of the Mohawk tribe as 'warriors'. It's not uncommon to hear about Mohawk Warriors.

Now we have Mi’kmaq warriors apparently, as reported by I quote from a headline in this morning's news:

"Mi’kmaq warrior chief John Levi says that crackdown won’t deter new protests if SWN returns."

Later in the article quotes Chief Levi saying the following:

“It's always peaceful on our side,” he said. “It's up to them. But you know we never back down."

Having a so-called 'Warrior Chief' stating that "it's always peaceful on our side" creates an obvious disconnect. Methinks CBC should stop calling them 'warriors' because it presents a negative connotation, particularly when the Chief describes his people as peaceful. I think it's an unfair moniker, though it is not to say that they're not brave.

What do you think?

Ian Varty
Angry faced, ruddy, tattie eatin' Highlander

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